J & N Herz Ltd

J & N Herz Ltd
J & N Herz is the leading ex-chainstore clothing wholesaler. Since we started in 1979 we have become one of the largest and most successful wholesalers specialising in the sale of leading ex chainstore clothing, famous brands and sportswear. We sell in ratio packs of 12.


Chunky Cardigans

Its getting colder and colder ...so in order to keep warm choose from a number of stylish knitwear we have here at J&N Herz.

I have picked out 2 lines that I think are fabulous and so cosy (but fashionable) for winter!!
£3.98 + VAT
Ex Jane Norman
£7.50 + VAT

Chunky Knits are a great way to add some
syle to your outfit.

A tie waist adds a slimming effect, so the cardigan does not appear frumpy.
Guarantee it will look great on anyone!!

This ex Jane Norman beauty is just so classy!
It looks absolutely fab on. Smart and stylish it is a winner!!

Visit our website http://www.herz.co.uk/ for more info!!

1 comment:

  1. love the chunky knits

