J & N Herz Ltd

J & N Herz Ltd
J & N Herz is the leading ex-chainstore clothing wholesaler. Since we started in 1979 we have become one of the largest and most successful wholesalers specialising in the sale of leading ex chainstore clothing, famous brands and sportswear. We sell in ratio packs of 12.



All those 2.5%'s add up!!

Order your spring/summer lines now for February delivery - pay now and only pay 17.5% VAT.
A great way to keep your prices competitive and stay ahead of the competition.
We have numerous spring/summer items in stock - just have a look online http://www.herz.co.uk/ call the sales team on 0161 443 3030/
e-mail marketing@herz.co.uk and we can send you our spring/summer range via e-mail.

Example stock below

Don't miss this opportunity.

Limited time only!!!

Order deadline 20th December 2010